In the renowned Philipp Griebel manufactory, known for exceptional craftsmanship since 1874, this unique garden gnome is created: Bert with Tie, just before his coffee break. His rosy cheeks reflect hard work and a cheerful spirit. Every detail is lovingly hand-painted, crafted with precision—never mass-produced, making each piece one of a kind.
Bureaucratic Charm: This garden gnome adds a humorous touch to everyday life. His tie and joyful expression show that diligence and fun can go hand in hand—whether in the office or the garden.
Flawless Handcraftsmanship: The detailed design and hand-painted finish make Bert a unique work of art. This is not a mass-produced item, but a true testament to expert craftsmanship and individuality.
Versatile Decoration: Whether placed in the garden or indoors, Bert with Tie enhances any space and adds a touch of humor. A great gift for anyone who appreciates lighthearted décor.
Quality and Heritage: Made exclusively from German-sourced materials and fired at 1050°C in the traditional Philipp Griebel manufactory, Bert with Tie represents top-tier quality and long-standing craftsmanship.
Enjoy more than just a garden figurine—Bert with Tie is a charming and humorous companion, carefully crafted to bring a smile to any home.