Experience the charming story of Kai the Woodcutter, a historical model from the 1950s by Balzer & Bock. This gnome consists of two individual parts, carefully assembled with clay into a beautiful whole. Kai not only embodies the history of past years but also the high quality and craftsmanship associated with Balzer & Bock products. Each figure is 100% handcrafted in Thuringia, made with raw materials from Germany, and lovingly hand-painted, giving it a unique charm.
Kai the Woodcutter is highly versatile and is perfect as a charming decoration for both indoor and outdoor use. Standing at approximately 12.6 inches (32 cm), he is sure to catch the eye. The craftsmanship and tradition behind this historical model make it a special collector’s item and a wonderful addition to any home.
Due to the high-quality craftsmanship, slight variations in size and painting may occur, which is a sign of fine handwork and a mark of quality. Order Kai the Woodcutter now and bring a touch of history and traditional craftsmanship to your home.