Step into the fairy-tale world of Countess Roda, our graceful garden gnome, created with exquisite craftsmanship at the renowned Philipp Griebel manufactory, known for its high-quality work since 1874.
Fired at a graceful 1050 degrees, Countess Roda presents herself elegantly, yet remains true to her gnome family. Lovingly hand-painted with attention to detail, she radiates timeless beauty. The absence of a gnome man by her side leaves room for curiosity and anticipation of future adventures.
Her majestic appearance and intricate painting make Countess Roda a true showstopper, whether placed in the front yard or in the rose garden. She steals the spotlight from every flower while exuding timeless elegance. The attire she wears is a testament to tradition and class, with Philipp Griebel’s long history ensuring the highest quality and masterful craftsmanship.
Whether indoors or outdoors, Countess Roda is more than just a garden gnome – she is a piece of art that enriches her surroundings with royal charm. Let yourself be enchanted by this timelessly beautiful gnome as she makes every flower in the front yard seem secondary.