In the renowned Philipp Griebel manufactory, known for outstanding craftsmanship since 1874, this charming figurine is created: Helmut with his wooden cart. His diligent work is lovingly hand-painted with multiple intricate layers of color, highlighting his unique character.
Diligent Dedication: Helmut is more than just a figurine – he is a symbol of hard work and dedication. His effort is visible, and his friendly expression gives him a particularly warm touch.
Charming and Adorable: The detailed hand-painting enhances Helmut’s charm. His endearing appearance makes him a real eye-catcher that spreads joy.
Versatile Decoration: Whether indoors or outdoors, Helmut with his wooden cart is a versatile decorative piece. He adds a special handcrafted touch to any space or garden.
Quality and Tradition: Made from German-sourced materials and fired at 1050°C (1922°F), “Helmut with Wooden Cart” represents top-tier quality and the long-standing craftsmanship of Philipp Griebel.
Experience the joy of traditional craftsmanship with “Helmut with Wooden Cart.” A delightful piece that uniquely combines hard work and charm, bringing life to your surroundings.