A Gentle Enchantment of Nature
In the renowned Philipp Griebel manufactory, known for its masterful craftsmanship since 1874, this charming small frog is brought to life. It sparks the imagination and evokes memories of summer evenings by the lake—without the nuisance of mosquitoes.
Why the “Small Frog” is so special:
Natural Enchantment: This little frog embodies the serenity and beauty of nature. Its hand-painted finish, applied in multiple layers, gives it an authentic and lifelike appearance.
Romantic Connection to Nature: This artwork captures the romantic atmosphere of a warm summer evening by the lake—a touch of nature and tranquility.
Quality and Heritage: Made from German-sourced materials and fired at 1050°C (1922°F), the “Small Frog” represents the high-quality craftsmanship and long-standing tradition of Philipp Griebel.
Enjoy the joy and natural beauty that the “Small Frog” brings. A symbol of harmony with nature and the magic of quiet, enchanting moments.