In the renowned Philipp Griebel manufactory, known for exceptional craftsmanship since 1874, this unique plant pot in the shape of a tree stump is created. Its detailed and loving hand-painting with multiple layers of color gives it a lifelike appearance.
Intricate Design: The careful painting gives the plant pot a natural look. Every aspect of the tree stump is lovingly recreated, adding a realistic touch to any space.
Suitable for Indoors and Outdoors: This plant pot is versatile and can be used both indoors and in the garden. When using it with moist materials, we recommend lining the inside to regulate moisture and protect the tree stump.
Quality and Heritage: Made from German-sourced materials and fired at 1050°C, the “Tree Stump Plant Pot”represents the highest quality and the long-standing craftsmanship of Philipp Griebel.
A nature-inspired eye-catcher for your plants! The “Tree Stump Plant Pot” blends seamlessly into various environments, adding a touch of nature and artisanal craftsmanship to your home or garden.