Welcome to the enchanting world of fairy tales, where beauty and imagination become one. At the Philipp Griebel manufactory, established in 1874 in Gräfenroda, a masterpiece is created that brings the timeless story of Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs to life.
Each ceramic figurine in this charming group is meticulously handcrafted with unparalleled dedication and attention to detail. Hand-painted and fired at 1050 degrees, these figurines exude an unmatched aura that breathes life into the tale of Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs.
At the Philipp Griebel manufactory, every piece is unique, crafted from premium raw materials sourced exclusively from Germany. While this figurine group is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, we recommend displaying it indoors, where it can truly showcase its full beauty and elegance.
With Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs, you bring not just a piece of the fairy tale world into your home but also a touch of timeless magic and elegance. These are more than just ceramic figurines – they symbolize craftsmanship, tradition, and the enduring charm of the world of fairy tales.
Discover the captivating world of Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs and enrich your home with a piece of genuine craftsmanship from the Philipp Griebel manufactory. Treat yourself and your home to the very best – treat yourself to Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs.